Do What You Can With What You Have

dowhatyoucanwithwhatyouhaveWith all the problems we have in our world right now, it’s so easy to get overwhelmed with the need to help others through their tough times, and the guilt that might come with it if you aren’t able to do all that you want. There are so many causes, so many campaigns, so many people that could use a helping hand, whether that be in the form of money or time, but it’s impossible to help everyone and every cause. So, what can we do?

On Saturday (like I mentioned on Sunday), we picked up donations for the Annual City-Wide Food Drive for the Calgary Food Bank. We were responsible for picking up from the 150+ houses that we had delivered flyers to a few days before. As we drove down the street, looking for the white and blue bags, we saw a lot of empty door steps, but there were also many that had filled the bag full, some with just a couple of cans of food, and one with four extra garbage bags full of food. I had a bit of an epiphany that afternoon. I realized that it doesn’t matter if you give two cans or four garbage bags full. What matters is the intention, and that you are doing what you can, with what you have, where you are.

It’s easy to compare your charitable efforts to someone else, and think that you aren’t doing enough. Maybe you aren’t, but that’s not for me or anyone else to judge. Doing good and helping causes doesn’t always mean that you donate hundreds of dollars, but can more times than not mean that you lend a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, sharing a smile. Sometimes we can give more, and sometimes we’re the ones that need help. But that’s what is so great about the people around us, isn’t it? There should always be someone to help.


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